ACC Attended the 13th Meeting among Secretaries General of ASEAN-China Centre, ASEAN-Japan Centre and ASEAN-Korea Centre

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 15 April 2019, the 13th Meeting among secretaries general of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), ASEAN-Japan Centre (AJC) and ASEAN-Korea Centre (AKC) was held in Hiroshima, Japan. The meeting was presided over by H.E. Mr. Masataka Fujita, Secretary-General of AJC. H.E. Mr. Chen Dehai, Secretary-General of ACC, H.E. Mr. Lee Hyuk, Secretary-General of AKC and Dr. Aladdin D. Rillo, Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN Secretariat participated in the meeting.

Secretary-General Masataka Fujita highly praised the significant progress that had been made in the close exchanges and cooperation among the three centres. He gave a brief introduction on AJC’s current work priorities and said that AJC would better combine the development requirements of ASEAN and the plus three countries and continue to keep close communication with ACC, AKC and the ASEAN Secretariat to tap potentials and expand cooperation to implement more productive projects and activities.

Secretary-General Chen Dehai stated that in 2019 ACC would continue to promote practical cooperation in key areas and strengthen economic, trade and people-to-people exchanges between ASEAN and China in the context of ASEAN-China Year of Media Exchanges. ACC stands ready to enhance communication, experience-sharing and mutual learning with AJC, AKC and the ASEAN Secretariat to push forward regional development and prosperity.

Secretary General Lee Hyuk said that AKC attaches great importance to APT cooperation, and hoped that the three centres would continue to keep good interaction with the ASEAN Secretariat and make APT cooperation a positive driving force for East Asian cooperation.

At the meeting, the three centres reviewed the work of 2018 and briefed on the work programs and projects of 2019 respectively. They also discussed on the generaltripartite cooperativeplans among the three centres in 2019, and exchanged views on the three centres’ collaboration with the ASEAN Secretariat as well as APT cooperation.

Dr. Aladdin D. Rilloex pressed his appreciation for the efforts by ACC, AJC and AKC in promoting APT cooperation, which he said had benefited all the ASEAN Member States. ASEAN Secretariat would enhance coordination and communication with the three centres to explore cooperation in areas of capacity building, smart industry and people-to-people exchanges, and inject new impetus to the building of East Asia Economic Community.

In the evening, at the invitation of AJC and Hiroshima ASEAN Association, Secretary-General Chen Dehai attended the celebration banquet of the 6th anniversary of Hiroshima ASEAN Association. More than 200 guests including Mr. Seigi Shinkoku, Political Secretary of Minister of Health and Labor of Japan, Mr. Izuru Hanaki, Director General of Chugoku Bureau of Industry and Economy, Mr. Hidehiko Yuzaki, Prefecture Governor of Hiroshima, entrepreneurs, experts and ASEAN students in Hiroshima participated in the event.