ACC Secretary-General Chen Dehai Attended the 2nd Belt and Road Forum on Education Cooperation with ASEAN Countries

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 26 April 2019, the 2nd Belt and Road Forum on Education Cooperation with ASEAN countries was held in Haikou. The forum was attended by nearly 150 participants including representatives of universities and institutions from Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam, and China. Mr. Chen Dehai, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), Mr. Tao Hongjian, Deputy Director-General of Hainan Provincial Department of Education, Mr. Qi Yahui, Vice Chairman of Hainan Federation of Social Science Circles and Prof. Chen Xiao, President of Haikou University of Economics took part in the opening ceremony and delivered remarks.

Secretary-General Chen mentioned that ASEAN countries, located at the intersection of land and sea of the Belt and Road, are China’s priority and important partners in the Belt and Road cooperation. With the progress of the Belt and Road Initiative, educational cooperation between ASEAN and China continue to make headway. The forum provides an effective platform for exchanges and cooperation between the universities of ASEAN countries and China, which is consistent with the needs of both sides to further diversify and enrich cooperation. He hoped the participating universities could conduct in-depth exchange of views, share successful experience, reach consensus, and contribute wisdom and strength to the common development of higher education of ASEAN and China.

During the forum, the experts and scholars conducted lively discussions on how to establish new modes of cooperation for international higher education to catch up with the demands and current status of exchanges between universities of ASEAN and China.