ACC Organized A Field Visit to iFLYTEK for Officials of ASEAN Diplomatic Missions (2019-05-07)

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 7 May 2019, led by Mr. Guo Chuanwei, Director of Trade and Investment Division, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) organized senior officials of ASEAN diplomatic missions in China including Lao PDR, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam to visit iFLYTEK located in Heifei, Anhui Province.

Following the detailed explanation of iFLYTEK staff, officials of the ASEAN diplomatic missions experienced the latest products and technologies in the fields of intelligent voice, smart home, smart city and smart education. Mr. Zhang Wuxu, General Manager of iFLYTEK International Cooperation Department, briefed on the development history, the R&D strength and the layout of the overseas market of the company. He opined that as one of the leading enterprises in China's artificial intelligence industry, iFLYTEK hoped to expand cooperation with ASEAN countries and seek opportunities to set up joint research and development institutions, develop curriculums for higher education and minor language translation.

Director Guo Chuanwei said that both ASEAN and China take innovation as a major measure to promote sustainable development of economy and society. It is hoped that officials of ASEAN diplomatic missions could recommend iFlYTEK to institutions and enterprises in ASEAN countries and provide necessary assistance for future cooperation between the two sides.

After the visit, Mr. See Chee Kong, Minister of Embassy of Malaysia, Mme. Donlaporn Ajavavarakula, Minister Counsellor of Royal Thai Embassy,  Mr. Phoutsawanh Khounchantha, Commercial Counsellor of Embassy of the Lao PDR, Mr. Pham TrungNghia, Director of Economic Division of Embassy of Viet Nam, Ms. Sun Qian, Business Director of Consulate-General of the Philippines in Shanghai and the representative of Asian Affairs Department of Ministry of Commerce of China engaged in a discussion with heads of iFLYTEK. ASEAN Officials expressed their appreciation to ACC for organizing the visit, and put forward suggestions on further cooperation between iFLYTEK and their countries.