ACC Representatives Attended Huanggang Cultural and Tourist Promotion Events

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

The colourful events of Huanggang Cultural and Tourist Promotion were held from 9 to 12 May 2019. Madam Li Xiaolin, President of Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Mr. Liu Xuerong, Party Secretary of Huanggang City, Ms. Qiu Lixin, Mayor of Huanggang City, Mr. Liu Shijun, Secretary-General of World Tourism Alliance (WTA), delegates of Cameron, Japan, Korea, New Zealand and travel entrepreneurs from home and abroad joined these events. On behalf of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), Ms. Kong Roatlomang, Director of Education, Culture and Tourism Division (ECTD) of ACC and Mr. Li Qianguo, Tourism Officer of ACC attended the Opening Ceremony. 

Director Kong met with Madam Qiu Lixin and other officials of local governments, and explored together the possibility of deepening cultural and tourism cooperation between ASEAN and Huanggang and the rest of Hubei Province. In her interview with local media Huanggang Daily, Ms. Kong shared her suggestions on the possible strategies and measures for Huanggang to promote its rich natural, historical and cultural resources. To build quality tourist facilities is also of high importance to tap the international market. During the major events of folk song performance, opening ceremony, Friendship-City Forum and technical tour, the delegates of ACC broadly exchanged views with their peers on international exchanges and cooperation.

The Dabieshan (Huanggang) World Tourism Expo 2019 fully displayed various resources and tourist attractions in the city, which is located in central China standing on the north bank of the middle course of Yangtze River. It is very near to the metropolis of Wuhan, the provincial capital. At present, Huanggang is enjoying fast development in many fields including culture and tourist industry. ASEAN remains one of Huanggang's top overseas partners for local social and economic development.