“The Lecture Series on ASEAN-China Relations” Successfully Held at Zhengzhou University (2019-06-05)

Source:Source: ASEAN-China Centre Author:mingmei

On 5 June 2019, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) successfully held the “Lecture Series on ASEAN-China Relations” at Zhengzhou University. The lecture was given by Mr. U Thit Linn Ohn, Ambassador of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to China. Mr. Chen Dehai, ACC Secretary-General, Mr. Shi Yongqing, Deputy Inspector of the Foreign Affairs Office of Henan Provincial Government and Prof. Han Guohe, Vice President of Zhengzhou University attended the event.

Professor Han Guohe delivered welcome remarks. He stated that Zhengzhou University, rooted in the profound and inclusive culture of the Yellow River, has been pursuing an internationalization strategy with the aim of building a world-class research university. He anticipated that the lecture would help students better understand China-ASEAN relations and provide a valuable platform for Zhengzhou University to expand its exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN countries.

ACC Secretary-General Mr. Chen Dehai stressed in his opening remarks that the purpose of holding the lecture series by ASEAN diplomatic envoys was to enhance awareness of college students about ASEAN-China relations and further promote friendship among the peoples. He encouraged students to actively take part in exchanges with ASEAN countries, tell stories of Myanmar-China cooperation, carry on the “Pauk-phaw” friendship, and contribute to building a closer ASEAN-China community of shared future.

Ambassador U Thit Linn Ohn delivered a lecture under the theme of “ASEAN-China: Strategic Partnership of Good Neighborliness and Mutual Trust”. In the lecture, he reviewed the founding and evolvement of ASEAN, the building of ASEAN Community and the development of ASEAN-China and Myanmar-China relations. Looking into the future, he opined that ASEAN would deepen cooperation with China and enhance people-to-people exchanges towards a higher level of ASEAN-China strategic partnership.

Following the lecture, Ambassador U Thit Linn Ohn answered questions raised by the audience on such topics as “the future of ASEAN-China relations” and “the Belt and Road Initiative”. Over 300 students and faculty members attended the event, including ASEAN students at Zhengzhou University. Interactions were inspiring and brought a warm atmosphere.

Prior to the lecture, Professor Niu Shucheng, Party Secretary of Zhengzhou University, met with Mr. Chen Dehai and Ambassador U Thit Linn Ohn and exchanged views on promoting cooperation between Zhengzhou University and ASEAN countries.

This event was the 12th session of ACC’s “Lecture Series on ASEAN-China Relations” held at universities in China. During the stay in Henan Province, ACC Secretary-General Chen Dehai and Ambassador U Thit Linn Ohn also paid visits to the Modern Agriculture Demonstration Base of Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou International Hub Development and Construction Co., Ltd., Henan Imported Materials Public Bonded Center Group Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Co., Ltd., Shaolin Temple and Henan Museum, and watched Shaolin Zen Music Ritual Performance. Through these activities, a better understanding of the socio-economic development of Henan Province was fostered.