ACC Secretary-General Met with Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam to China(2019-12-03)
Source: ASEAN-China Centre
Time: 2019-Dec-3 10:57

On 3 December 2019, Mr. Chen Dehai, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) met with Mr. Pehin Dato Rahmani Dato Basir, newly designated Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam to China. Secretary-General Chen Dehai congratulated on the latter's assumption of office in China and reaffirmed ACC’s commitment to the in-depth development of ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership and Brunei-China strategic cooperative partnership. Ambassador Rahmani commended the important role played by ACC in advancing bilateral practical cooperation and people-to-people exchanges and pledged continuous support to the ACC in the future. The two sides exchanged views on how to implement the consensus reached by ASEAN and Chinese leaders and advance ASEAN-China friendly exchanges and practical cooperation in various fields.



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