ACC Representative Exchanged Views Online with the Young SEAkers

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 11 May 2021, Ms. Wang Hongliu, Director of the General Affairs and Coordination Division of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) attended an online meeting with the Young SEAkers (TYS). Ms. Wang Hongliu and Mr. Calvin Wee, founder of TYS, introduced the basic information of their respective organizations and exchanged views on their work programmes this year. Officials from the General Affairs and Coordination Division and Education, Culture and Tourism Division of ACC and members of TYS from Singapore, Thailand and Cambodia attended the meeting. 

Mr. Wee stated that, as a non-profit organization, TYS was founded by students from ASEAN Member States (AMS) studying in China. Its main purpose is to promote understanding among the youth of AMS and at the same time to provide these students with a platform for friendly exchanges and business development, so as to promote friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation between the youths of ASEAN and China. TYS has now already established sub-branches in eight AMS. This year, TYS plans to organize a series of commemorative activities marking the 30thanniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations and would like to seeksupport and participation from ACC.

Ms. Wang Hongliu said that ACC is committed to promoting friendly exchanges between ASEAN and Chinese people, and is glad to see that AMS students studying in China could serve as a bridge to deepen the traditional friendship, innovate cooperation and strengthen people-to-people exchanges between ASEAN and China. ACC is willing to carry out further exchanges and explore cooperation with TYS.