“2022 Chinese Education at a Glance for Thai Students” Adaptive Training Successfully Held

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Convert Chinese

On the afternoon of 20 August 2022, the Opening Ceremony of “2022 Chinese Education at a Glance for Thai Students” Adaptive Training, co-hosted by the ASEAN-China Centre and the Royal Thai Embassy in China, supported by the Thai-Chinese Students Association and undertaken by Yunnan Normal University (YNU), was successfully held. Ms. Pasupha Chinvarasopak, Minister Counsellor of Education and Science of the Royal Thai Embassy in China, and Prof. Huang Ying, Director of the Division of International Exchange and Cooperation of YNU, attended and addressed the opening ceremony online. 

This training covers several topics, including the Overview of China’s Higher Education, Lectures on Chinese Culture, Series of Wandering in China Online, Preparation before Departure and Experience Sharing from Thai Students in China, aiming to help Thai students coming to study in China better understand China’s national condition and culture, as well as present pandemic control and prevention policies of colleges and universities. Nearly 500 Thai teachers, students and parents participated in this training.