ACC Published News Bulletin

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Convert Chinese

On 27 October 2022, the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) officially published its new publication, News Bulletin.

Aimed at both Chinese and ASEAN audiences, this publication introduces the recent important progress of ASEAN-China exchanges and cooperation and the main activities of ACC. Currently, it includes three sections: activities involving leaders of both sides, activities of ACC Secretary-General and other activities of ACC. More content will be added in the future. The publication is published on the ACC website, Wechat and Weibo platforms once or twice a month.

ACC will continue to play an active role as a one-stop information and activities centre, make good use of the ACC’s publications such as News Bulletin and Newsletter and information publication platforms to encourage all parties to strengthen information exchange and communication, and provide a solid information guarantee for deepening ASEAN-China practical cooperation.

Please click here to download the first issue of the ACC News Bulletin. Your valuable suggestions on our work will be appreciated.