Secretary General Shi Zhongjun Delivers Speech on ASEAN-China Relations at Tsinghua University

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Convert Chinese

On 17 May 2023, upon the invitation from Centre for International Security and Strategy of Tsinghua University (CISS), H.E. Secretary General Shi Zhongjun of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) delivered a speech “Jointly Promoting Steady and Long-Term Development of ASEAN-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership” at CISS. More than 70 faculty members and students from relevant schools in Tsinghua University attended the event. 

In his speech, Secretary General Shi Zhongjun focused on the historical background and development process of ASEAN and elaborated on the historical context and development prospects of ASEAN-China relations. He stated that since the establishment of dialogue relations in 1991, mutual political trust between ASEAN and China has continuously deepened, people-to-people exchanges have increased, and practical cooperation has yielded fruitful results. Moving forward, both sides should further consolidate mutual political trust, tighten bilateral interests, deepen people-to-people affinity, adhere to the principles of openness and win-win cooperation, focus on development cooperation, and work together to promote the steady and long-term development of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. As the only inter-governmental organisation composed of ten ASEAN Member States and China, the ACC will continue to promote friendly exchanges and practical cooperation in various fields between the two sides.

Secretary General Shi Zhongjun also interacted with the students in a warm atmosphere on strengthening ASEAN-China cooperation in various fields. He encouraged the students to actively engage in promoting friendly exchanges between ASEAN and China. 

Before the event, Secretary General Shi Zhongjun met with the leaders of the CISS and the Southeast Asia Centre of Tsinghua University to exchange views on promoting cooperation between Tsinghua University and the universities in the AMS.