The ACC Hosts Students from Tsinghua

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 2 November 2023, the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) hosted a delegation of Tsinghua University Student Association of China-ASEAN (THUCA).

Director Sun Yi of General Affairs and Coordination briefed the students on the developments of ASEAN-China relations and the ACC’s efforts in promoting ASEAN-China partnership. He specially emphasized the role of youth communities in enhancing and enriching ASEAN-China relations. He reaffirmed the ACC’s support to more quality youth exchanges and interactions among ASEAN Member States (AMS) and China in the future. The ACC officials exchanged views with the students on various topics related to economic relations and people-to-people exchanges between AMS and China.

The THUCA representatives expressed its earnest in working with the ACC to raise awareness about ASEAN-China relations among the younger generations from both sides and stood ready to continue more such rewarding communication and explore potential cooperation with the ACC in the future.