ACC Celebrates New Year with its Business Partners

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Convert Chinese

On 25 January 2024, the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) hosted a new year reception for its business partners from both ASEAN countries and China in Beijing. Around 100 guests from the Chinese government departments in charge of commercial affairs and trade promotion agencies, business associations and enterprise representatives from ASEAN Member States (AMS), China and other East Asian countries were present. 

H.E. Secretary General Shi Zhongjun of the ACC reviewed the ACC’s accomplishments over the past year in promoting bilateral economic relations and trade, expressed appreciation to the regional business communities for their strong support to the ACC over the years. He noted that the ACC would continue to follow up with implementing the important consensus reached by the leaders from both ASEAN and China, and bring into full play its role as an intergovernmental organization in promoting ASEAN-China economic relations and trade, and practical cooperation in this regard. In 2024, the ACC will focus on ASEAN-China cooperation in emerging industries, continue to organize the Chinese enterprises to visit AMS, and nurture its circle of friends in regional business communities, through exploring to put into practice a membership arrangement aiming at expanding the ACC’s network of social connections, so as to further contribute to achieving sound progress in ASEAN-China economic cooperation and trade in the long run.

The guests had a cordial and in-depth exchange of views on promoting friendship and deepening cooperation in a warm and amiable atmosphere.