The ACC Co-hosts ASEAN-China Conference on Sustainable Development Cooperation

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Convert Chinese

On 18 May 2024, the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), in collaboration with Huzhou Municipal People’s Government, hosted the 2nd ASEAN-China Conference on Sustainable Development Cooperation in Huzhou of Zhejiang Province. Secretary General Shi Zhongjun of the ACC, Ambassador Somphone Sichaleune of Lao PDR to China, Mayor Hong Hupeng of Huzhou, and Ambassador Yu Hong of Department of Asian Affairs of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China attended and addressed the opening ceremony. Ambassador U Tin Maung Swe of Myanmar to China, Consul General Chua Teng Hoe of Singapore in Shanghai, Consul General Nguyen The Tung of Vietnam in Shanghai and diplomats from the Embassies and Consulates General of ASEAN Member States (AMS), and more than 200 representatives from Chinese local governments, international organizations, AMS chambers of commerce and enterprises, financial institutions, think tanks and media were present.

Shi Zhongjun underlined that green and low-carbon cooperation stand out as significant components of China’s global development initiative (GDI) and a key aspect of comprehensive strategic cooperation between ASEAN and China. Both ASEAN and China enjoy complementary advantages in production resource and industry, and learn from each other in the process of seeking development. In recent years, both sides have been actively promoting green trade, transforming low-carbon concepts into concrete products and services, and striving to stimulate new momentum for the growth of green economy between ASEAN and China. As a leading city championing green and low-carbon innovation, Huzhou boasts unique edge in conducting related cooperation with AMS. Both sides can strengthen in-depth cooperation in such emerging areas under new development concepts as green production, ecological industrialization and clean energy.

Ambassador Somphone stressed that the Conference serves as a valuable platform for ASEAN-China cooperation on sustainable development, which fully promotes fresh progress in such fields as renewable energy, green infrastructure, energy recycling between both sides. 

After the opening ceremony, officials in charge of affairs of investment, customs, economic cooperation and trade from the Embassies and Consulates General of Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar and the Philippines in China made presentations on business environment and investment policies of their respective countries. 

At the Forum on Green Trade Development and Cooperation held on the same day, experts, policymakers and stakeholders exchanged ideas and explored innovative solutions on green finance, status quo and rules relating to green trade, and corporate practices. The Forum also witnessed the release of the Huzhou Initiative on Green Trade Development and Cooperation. During their stay in Huzhou, the AMS diplomats and representatives of AMS chambers of commerce and enterprises were invited to join tours of Deqing County and Wuxing District of Huzhou City.