ASEAN-China Centre Co-hosted World Cross-Border E-Commerce Development Conference

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Convert Chinese

On 16 June 2024, the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), in collaboration with Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Institute and China Association of Trade in Services, co-hosted the World Cross-Border E-Commerce Development Conference in Langfang City of Hebei Province. Vice Governor Hu Qisheng of Hebei Province and Director Kabir Jurazoda of Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Institute attended the opening ceremony. Director Guo Chuanwei of Trade and Investment Division of the ACC addressed the event on behalf of Secretary General Shi Zhongjun. More than 200 representatives, including diplomats from ASEAN Embassies in Beijing, Chinese e-commerce scholars and entrepreneurs, were present. 

Guo Chuanwei stressed that ASEAN Member States (AMS) and China have unique advantages in cross-border e-commerce cooperation, including large trade volume, extensive cooperation scope, high market recognition and well-established economic and trade cooperation mechanisms, all of which are being and will be translated into great potential for further cooperation. The ACC stays committed to continuing its support to deepening exchanges and cooperation in relevant fields between the business communities from both AMS and China by creating more favorable conditions.

Customs Counselor Noormad Razamussein Ismail of the Malaysian Embassy in Beijing briefed the audience on the development of e-commerce market in Malaysia, and the policies and facilitation measures for managing cross-border e-commerce by Malaysian customs agencies. Economic Counselor Thin Thin Aung of the Myanmar Embassy in Beijing presented Myanmar’s policies on encouraging e-commerce development and shared with the audience opportunities and prospects for cross-border e-commerce cooperation between Myanmar and China. The participants also engaged in in-depth discussions on such topics as global and Chinese economic situation, overseas experience and challenges of Chinese e-commerce enterprises, and the growth of smart logistics systems.