Shi Zhongjun Attends the Launching Ceremony of The Center for Global Security Initiative Studies

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Author:ASEAN-China Centre Convert Chinese
    On 18 July 2024, the launching ceremony of the Center for Global Security Initiative (GSI) Studies and Release of the Report on the Implementation Progress of the GSI was held in Beijing. Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Chen Xiaodong and envoys of the diplomatic corps in Beijing were present at the ceremony. Secretary General Shi Zhongjun of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) was invited to attend and address the event.

    Vice Foreign Minister Chen Xiaodong read out the written remarks by Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, inaugurated and addressed the launching ceremony. He stressed that, President Xi Jinping put forward the GSI in April 2022, which charted the course toward lasting peace and universal security of human society. Over the past two years, the GSI keeps to the right way amid the changing landscape and has produced tangible outcomes, demonstrating its great relevance to the times and to reality. China stands ready to work with all peace-loving members of the international community who are committed to actively translating the GSI into actions, so as to make new contributions to promoting common security of humanity and lasting peace of the world.

    Shi Zhongjun stressed in the remarks that, in the face of the unprecedented transformation in international landscape and rising challenges posed by global threats, China proposed the GSI in the firm purpose of meeting the pressing need of the international community to secure peace and development, which is in the common interest of the peoples worldwide, including ASEAN and China. Both ASEAN and China are currently at critical stages in their pursuit of quality development and modernization. We should always bear in mind what has proved to be right, adhere to the norms and principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter, perceive and deal with traditional and non-traditional security threats jointly, thus ensuring the lasting peace and common security of the world.