Cultural Activities Prelude ASEAN-China Week 2024

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Convert Chinese

On 11 August, Secretary General Shi Zhongjun of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) and Mayor Chen Xiangyang of Changzhi Municipal People’s Government attended and addressed the launching ceremony of ASEAN-Shanxi Exhibition of Cultural Creations for Shanxi Tourism & Intangible Heritage and ASEAN Film Week @ Shanxi, ushering in the opening season of the ASEAN-China Week (ACW) 2024 activities.

In his remarks, Shi Zhongjun pointed out that, as the key components of ASEAN-China people-to-people exchanges, the intangible cultural heritage and film arts serve as important carriers of the civilization and culture of each country. Therefore, deepening exchanges and cooperation in this regard will be conducive to cementing public support for ASEAN-China relations and further fostering sustainable ASEAN-China cooperation. The ASEAN-China Week activities will be staged in Changzhi City of Shanxi Province, which not only enables the peoples from both China and ASEAN to appreciate each other’s cultural traditions and charm, but also enhances traditional friendship and people-to-people exchanges between both sides, thus enriching ASEAN-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership through strengthening cooperation and exchanges between ASEAN countries and Chinese local governments.

 Mayor Chen stressed that Changzhi is rich in intangible cultural heritage resources and has its unique competitive advantage in promoting high-quality opening-up endeavors to the world. Changzhi looks forward to taking ACW2024 as a great opportunity to further deepen the knowledge and understanding of ASEAN countries about Shanxi Province, which will intensively promote cultural exchanges and practical cooperation in cultural industries between both sides.  

In the afternoon, accompanied by Secretary General Shi Zhongjun and Mr. Jin Xiangjun, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Shanxi Provincial Committee and Governor of Shanxi Provincial People’s Government, Vice President Khambay Damlath of the National Assembly of the Lao PDR, Minister Dr. Thet Thet Khine of Hotels and Tourism of Myanmar, Minister Neth Pheaktra of Information of Cambodia, Secretary of State Dr. Kung Phoak of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia, Secretary of State Prak Phannara of Tourism of Cambodia, Special Envoy Benito G. Techico of the Philippine President to China for Trade, Investment and Tourism had a tour of the ASEAN-Shanxi Exhibition of Cultural Creations for Shanxi Tourism & Intangible Heritage. There were more than one hundred visitors present including  the ASEAN diplomats posted to China, participants of the ACC Scholarship programme, representatives of media and business associations of ASEAN countries. The dignitaries and visitors were deeply impressed by the exhibits, amazed by cultural and creative products displayed and the excellent cultural performances, and had cordial communications with the inheritors of intangible heritage on spot.

During the Film Week @ Shanxi, a number of fine films from ASEAN countries and China will be screened, including the Vietnamese film The Rebel Freedom Was His Destiny, the Indonesian film Boundless Love and the Chinese film Mother.