Dialogue for a Better Understanding of China Held at China National Academy of Governance

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Convert Chinese

On 19 Aug 2024, the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), in collaboration with China National Academy of Governance (CNAG), held the 3rd Dialogue for a Better Understanding of China. Vice President Gong Weibin of CNAG was invited to interpret the outcome of the 3rd Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC). More than 50 guests including Ambassador Norman Muhamad of Malaysia to China and Ambassador Maubere Lorosae da Silva Horta of Timor Leste to China, senior diplomats from the Embassies of other ASEAN Member States (AMS), the participants of the ACC scholarship programme and the representative from Asian Department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China were present.

Shi Zhongjun thanked the CNAG for its cooperation and support in staging this Dialogue. He stressed that the 3rd Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee concluded just one month ago outlined the significance and general requirements for further deepening reform in an all-round manner to advance the Chinese modernization, came up with many important measures for reform, and sent out a strong message that China will continue to firmly hold high the banner of reform and opening up. The ongoing Chinese modernization will bring forth new opportunities for development and cooperation for countries around the world, including Southeast Asia, and inject fresh momentum into global efforts to secure post-pandemic recovery and seek common development. The ACC will continue to carry out and improve such flagship projects as Dialogue for a Better Understanding of China, in the purpose of setting up more platforms for mutual understanding, policy dialogue and strategic communication between AMS and China and providing intellectual support to practical cooperation between both sides in various fields. 

Centering on the outcome of the 3rd Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, Vice President Gong elaborated on the reasons, essence and methods for further advancing China’s reform in a comprehensive manner in the new era. He stressed that the in-depth reform constitutes a crucial step that China has to take to build a great country and realize national rejuvenation on all fronts through its modernization drive, which will, in the long run, contribute to the pursuit for modernization by the mankind. Ambassador Norman spoke highly of this Dialogue as a timely and useful one in providing an important reference for ASEAN countries to better understand China’s development and further promote practical cooperation with China. The dialogue also witnessed ASEAN diplomatic envoys having heated discussions with the CNAG experts on such topics as the regional implications generated by China’s greater self-reliance and strength in science and technology, as well as the challenging issue of aging society in China. 

On the same day, ASEAN guests were invited to a group tour of a themed exhibition on the CNAG’s history.