Welcome Message of Ambassador

Myanmar is a peaceful country vested with immerses opportunities with unexplored nature and full of cultural wonder. The rich and unique experiences in Myanmar and the warmth of its people will make people fall in love with at its first visit. Myanmar people are honest, warm, friendly people who are always ready with helping hands.

As all of you aware, Myanmar's enviable geographical location makes us both a strategic market, as well as a crossroads between China, India, Bangladesh, Laos, and Thailand. Myanmar is a good place for manufacturing industry since we have semi-skilled labour with lower cost and potential local demand. The strategic location of our country can offer easy access to the world populated countries huge market, China and India, of your export-oriented industries.Myanmar and China are geographically connected sharing more than 2000 kilometres long border and people-to-people exchanges between our two countries have been exited since ancient time.

Since the establishment of the diplomatic relations between our two countries on 8 June 1950, our two countries have enjoyed the long-standing "Pauk Phaw" Friendship. Within these years, our relations have been elevated to the level of the Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership in 2011 and we deepened our close cooperation and partnership in a wide range of areas based on mutual respect and understanding under the framework of Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence. During the visit of President Xi Jinping to Myanmar, our leaders agreed to enhance our relations to the level of Myanmar-China Community of a Shared Future based on equality and win-win cooperation to the benefits of the two peoples.

In the post covid-19 era, the cooperation between Myanmar and China has been gaining momentum in all-round areas cooperation. Based on the dynamic relations and cooperation between Myanmar and China throughout the history and huge potential in economic gain of Myanmar, I would like to invite Chinese investors to invest in Myanmar that will bring about mutual benefits for two peoples.

With the relaxation of Covid-19 travel restriction, Myanmar is welcoming Chinese tourists to promote Myanmar-China culture and tourism cooperation in order to bring our two peoples closer. Taking this chance, I would like to invite all our Chinese friend and colleagues to visit Myanmar to experience the mesmerizing beauty and unique culture of Myanmar.

H.E U Tin Maung Swe

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the People's Republic of China