Economic Policy


Pyar, Kyat ( 1 Kyat = 100 Pyars) 

Fiscal year

1 April - 31 March


1.To enhance development rooted in agriculture and livestock-inclusive of all ethnic people to ensure national prosperity and food security of the nation utilizing contemporary production methodologies and to promote all-round growth in other sectors of the economy. 

2.To invigorate Micro-, Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) for the fortification of the export sector, leveraging the momentum of the thriving economic landscape.

3.To spur the cultivation of oil crops to meet targeted production levels, thereby achieving self-sufficiency in local oil supply and striving towards both local adequacy and overseas export of surplus oil crops.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation

Myanmar is an agro-based country with fertile land and abundant water resources. Given the landscape profile, topographic dimensions and different climatic areas of Myanmar – not only perennial plants, but also crops such as rice, pulses and beans, fruits and vegetables can be easily grown. The government is aiming to transform Myanmar’s mostly traditional agricultural economy into a productive and sustainable agro-economy.